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How can you increase reproducibility practices in your institution?

How can you increase reproducibility practices in your institution?

26 March 2024

Reproducibility. Ensuring the same research results can be reached and reliably built upon time and time again, stimulating and advancing research. It is vital for ensuring that research results are correct and reliable. How can reproducibility be enhanced in research institutions and who are the stakeholders involved? This report delves into both and provides a framework for progressing reproducibility practices.

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Open Science Expert Group

Open Science Expert Group

Our Open Science Expert Group explore topics relevant to the open science eco-system

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Open Access Expert Group

Open Access Expert Group

The Open Access Expert Group consists of representatives from both KE partner organisations and strategic...

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Open Science

Open Science

Our vision is to enable open science by supporting an information infrastructure on an international level

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Our Collaboration

The Knowledge Exchange (KE) partners are six key national organisations within Europe tasked with developing infrastructure and services to enable the use of digital technologies to improve higher education and research: CSC in Finland, CNRS in France, DeiC in Denmark, DFG in Germany, Jisc in the UK and SURF in the Netherlands.

Our six partners share a clear vision that scholarship should be open. Through Knowledge Exchange we are working together to support the development of digital infrastructure to enable open scholarship. We are raising our collective voice to inform national and international policies and promote common approaches, so that it becomes easier for scholarship to cross national boundaries.

We share our knowledge, experiences and resources.